So this one time, while playing dance dance revolution extreme...
Really just a post to see if this works....but in an effort to be purposeful, have you read the speech John Kerry gave at Brown University (9/19)? Never one to think than Kerry is particularily inspiring, I was much encouraged by his (and the party's) sudden ability find some balls and speak some truth. A long speech - I didn't hear it or see it but only read it - damn thing is like 6 pages long - but gutsy and real and... isn't it incredible when the logical and obvious suddenly seems ballsey and amazing to actually say out loud? Intelligent people have been saying this stuff for years, but's still encouraging! Anyway, check it out, and I'll end my sorry excuse for a first post.
Oh, and by the way, check out the upcoming live blog as my farm friends and I trek to D.C. for the Sept. 24th protest...up and coming to you Sat. night live from
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