the blind leading the hopeful...

I'm not so naive to have believed before this that they were encouraged to follow our cause or highlight our successes (or even really deliver the news) - but the near absence of coverage of this rather large event is unforgivable. I don't toss around the word "abhorrent" too often, but it's appropriate.
Granted, I know that there are many things going on...there was a major hurricane wreaking yet more havoc on the Gulf Coast that morning...there was (thankfully) continuing coverage of the pathetic and unforgivable response to Hurricane Katrina...there's the sad and unnecessary ongoing war in Iraq that takes more young, brave lives each day...and a host of other issues out there. But this was hundreds of thousands of people. On the streets outside the White House. Very clearly and vocally telling the people of our nation and the world that our government is failing us, with dire consequences for our nation and the world. Where were they? Where was the press? It's so sad that to get decent coverage of this event (and many others) I had to turn to news sources in other countries to get even remotely accurate or in-depth information.
Enough media ranting...and a little more on the protest, for now.
After aprox. 3 hours of speeches at the Ellipse, my friends and I joined the march alongside a long train of flag-draped coffins. Lots of great chants - our personal favorite was the oh so rhythmic and catchy "Move Bush, get out the way, get out the way...Move Bush..." and the familiar "This is what democracy looks like; this is what democracy sounds like..." For a while we followed behind a very fun troupe of marching drummers.

Always fun and imaginative, the Billionaires for Bush troupe was out, an anti-Bush group that attends protests in ball gowns and suits, looking like polite society and holding signs proclaiming their appreciation for hi-income tax breaks and the like.

Despite good competition, I'd have to say that my favorite sign simply said "The RAPTURE is NOT an EXIT STRATEGY."

On our way home from the protest (from the Mall to a friend's house in D.C.) , in the shadow of the national monument once the sun had receded behind a dark red sky (read: d.c. pollution), we saw that Sheehan's Camp Casey had set up next to hundreds of memorial crosses near the monument.
In the end, it was just nice to be among intelligent, peaceful people coming together for the great cause of our time - rallying against an unelected president who wields power for it's own sake and has no loftier ambitions for a nation so great than to saturate it with money and power for the wealthy, white and morally weak. Despite my low expectations, the media still managed to disappoint me...but really, the convergence was invigorating.
Fuck the media. We know the people are with us. It's clear in Bush's declining approval rating and the low and constantly plummeting approval of our war and occupation in Iraq. People are mad. They are mad that their sons and daughters and friends and relatives are dying in a war that has no forseable end and no no substantiated purpose. Mad that the wealthiest and (often) least deserving among us get pats on the back and big tax breaks. Mad that our so-called leaders turned its back on an underserved and very important part of our national community in a time of crisis and human suffering. And I hope they are mad and getting madder that this government wants to take a national crisis and turn it into an opportunity to turn one of this nation's cities with the most culture and character into an upscale development and playground for the rich and properly pious.
God knows why it took so long, but I'm hoping that people are finally starting to wake up. The most crucial part of democracy is the people who it's meant to represent; our greatest enemy is apathy. This is a crucial time in our history, and in this struggle, I've been very disappointed in our general decision to ignore our responsibilities and decline to hold our government accountable.

Ok...before I start singing "Cumbaya' with my candle in the dark, this is katya, signing off for now...